Wild Dental Beliefs and Fun Facts | Dentist Mayfield How much do you know about dentistry and teeth?

Do you believe any dental wives tales? How much do you know about dental history?

Today, the Mayfield Dental Care Blog is going to take a look at crazy dental beliefs, misconceptions, and a few amazing facts.

Peculiar Dental Treatments From History

Ridiculous ways to fight toothache

  • Fingernails. Trim your fingernails on Friday, and your annoying toothache will disappear for a week! With luck, your fingernails will have grown enough to be trimmed next Friday!
  • Frogs. Other than the Greek practice of spitting in a frog’s mouth to provide relief, these amphibious creatures could be applied to a cheek or to the head on the side of the ailing tooth.
  • Funerals. Never eat anything when the funeral bell is tolling, or a toothache will follow. OK, technically this one deals with preventing a toothache, but who’s keeping track?
  • Scotland. The early Scots thought that you could counteract a toothworm’s (the toothworm was thought to be the cause of toothaches) pain with its cousin: the caterpillar. They believed if you bundled a caterpillar in a red cloth and put it near the aching tooth, the toothache would stop.

In case you were wondering, none of these actually work. The best way to deal with a toothache is to visit your Mayfield Dental Care dentist

Strange mouthwash

Romans. The ancient Romans thought that using urine in mouthwash would help keep teeth white and free from decay. Eventually, urine was used so frequently for dental and cleaning purposes that Emperor Nero imposed a tax on it.

Greeks. In ancient Greece, donkey’s milk was used as a mouthwash to strengthen the gums and teeth.

Modern Myths

After dental work is done to a tooth it’s stronger than before. Sometimes. Dental implants, for instance, can be stronger, but some other procedures are not so strong. Veneers, for instance. So, if you get dental work, be sure to talk to your Mayfield Dental Care dentist about that work, how strong it is, and what you need to do to be sure it lasts a very long time!

Sweets are the cause of cavities. Chemically, cavities are caused by carbohydrates interacting with bacteria on your teeth, which creates acid byproducts. Carbohydrates do include sugars, but cavities can also be caused by crackers, potato chips, and bread!

Sparkling water is good for teeth. While sparkling options may be better for your body as a whole than soda, in your mouth they have similarly damaging effects. Carbonated beverages are quite acidic, particularly when citrus flavoured.

The carbonic acid in combination with the citric acid erodes enamel and leads to decay. So drink sparkling beverages the right way–with a straw, quickly, and brush or rinse your mouth afterward!

Your toothbrush may be as dirty as your toilet bowl. When you flush the toilet, extremely small particles of waste are lifted into the air where they can travel to you toothbrush. Dentists normally recommend a toothbrush be kept at least 6 feet from a toilet.

Put the lid down before flushing and disinfect your toothbrush regularly. Do not use a toothbrush cover for protection, as that only creates a warm and humid environment for bacterial growth.

Strange Dental Stories And Facts

When facing lost teeth, British woman Angie Barlow used superglue to put her old teeth back in place. She was so afraid of the dentist that she opted for a homemade fix instead of a professional one. It seemed simple: She just put superglue on the dead tooth and held it in place until it stuck back in place.

After time, she had created a permanent set of dentures out of her own teeth! This was only a temporary fix, however, as Barlow eventually ended up at the dentist. Her superglue solution not only failed, but she lost 90 percent of the bone that held her upper teeth.

You’re Unique. No two people have precisely the same teeth. Your teeth are as unique as your fingerprints. This, and their ability to survive, is why teeth are used by investigators to make identifications. Your tongue also has a unique print, although unlike teeth or fingerprints it is rarely recorded.

In 1905, Dental Assistant Irene Newman was trained to clean teeth. She became the first Dental Hygienist.

Making a Better Dental Future at Mayfield Dental Care

Mayfield Dental Care provides excellence in dentistry with the slogan, “Customer satisfaction must be our top most priority”. Our guiding principles are innovation, culture and care. Our equipment is cutting-edge and our outlook is forward-looking to provide you the best dental experience you have ever had.

Our Dental Clinic is conveniently located in Mayfield, on the corner of the Pacific Highway and Hanbury St. Public transportation is nearby.

Mayfield Dental Care has world-class dental and orthodontic specialists, cutting-edge technology, caring support staff who are extremely experienced in the field, and a comfortable and welcoming environment.

Call us on (02) 4023 3885 or book your appointment online today!

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